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Competitive Programs

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Less than 5% of recreational gymnasts possess the attributes necessary for competitive gymnastics. Entry into the competitive program is by selection from the recreational program or transfer from another clubs competitive program. In all cases formal evaluations of athlete potential / skill will be done by the Titans Head Coach or designate.

Coaches are trained to identify those recreational gymnasts who show promise physically and emotionally. Once annually, usually in June, selected recreational members will be asked to attend a more formal testing session. If successful they may be given the opportunity to enter a developmental program designed to provide focused skills development. An athlete’s progress in the developmental program will determine whether he/she is suitable for precompetitive and competitive gymnastics.

Please note that competitive gymnastics at Titans involves training commitments of up to 20 hours or more weekly (5 days X 4 hrs). Training fees, competitive suits, meet fees, and travel costs can be very expensive. Parents should fully understand this time and financial commitment prior to undertaking entry into the competitive program.
The Titans is proud of its competitive successes. We believe that all competitive athletes can enjoy a productive and rewarding amateur career no matter what their level and progress.
As a significant amount of training time and dedication is required to produce a competitive athlete it is important that members understand the guidelines for the competitive program. Many elements are involved in success including discipline, work ethic, respect, talent, parent support, attitude, and commitment.

  • Competitive Program Guidelines

    • Gymnasts should be on time and ready to work for practice and competitions.
    • Parents and Gymnasts should be polite and courteous at all times when representing the club and interacting with coaches, judges, other parents, other gymnasts and clubs.
    • Parents and Gymnasts should be supportive of other gymnasts during training.
    • Gymnasts must ensure that they have all of their own supplies and accessories on hand in order to train properly (i.e. hairclips, elastics, grips, tape, wrist-bands, bodysuit, etc.)
    • Parents of a gymnast who is sick must notify the club’s office or the coach that the gymnast will not be able to attend, prior to the start of the session, and as early as possible in the case of a planned absence.
    • Gymnasts not attending class due to illness, etc., will not be given credit except in situations where a documented medical condition exists. In such cases written requests for credit/reimbursement must be made to the club with proof of medical condition.
    • Gymnasts are not allowed in the gym or on the equipment unless directed by a coach.
    • The facility and its equipment must always be respected and used in a safe manner.
    • Gymnasts are expected to attend every class as absence is not beneficial to their development.
    • If an athlete must leave early, the coach must be informed.
    • Gymnasts must wear appropriate clothing to gym and hair must be neat and tied back if long. Girls are to wear bodysuits (exercise or stretch shorts are optional). No jewellery or earrings. Boys are to wear fitted T-shirts and non-baggy shorts with no zippers or buttons.
    • All injuries must be reported to the coaches immediately no matter how insignificant the injury may seem
    • Parents and gymnasts must maintain good communication with the coach. Discuss your athlete’s progress with an open mind.
    • Please ensure your child brings healthy foods for break. The coaching staff will strictly enforce this policy.
    • Current information and events are sent to competitive members by email.
    • Please pick up your athlete on time at the gym. All pick-up arrangements (rides/carpools) must be made prior to dropping off your athlete at the gym.
    • A positive attitude, sportsmanship and above all, fairness to all, must be practiced at all times by all club members, parents and coaches.
    • Inappropriate language is not acceptable.
    • Do not bring valuables to the gym.
    • Medication such as Tylenol, aspirin, etc. will not be administered by staff.
    • It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the coaches and administrative staff of any relevant medical, personal, or emotional issues that may have occurred outside the gym.
    • Parents must ensure that athletes are dropped off inside the gym and picked up inside the gym. The Club cannot be responsible for unaccompanied children.
  • Competitive Hours

    Training schedules and groupings are determined by the coaching staff in order to ensure maximum effectiveness of all the programs. Requests for changes will only be entertained in exceptional circumstances.
    Regular training will consist of a scheduled number of hours during the week. (Normally 4 –20 hrs) Athletes are expected to attend all training.
    Statutory holidays are non-training days unless otherwise informed. Coaches may use holidays for make-up classes caused by previous coaches’ absence, bad weather etc. No credits can be provided for athletes who miss class for personal reasons (i.e. class trips etc)
    If your athlete cannot train in any capacity for a month or more, you may write the board requesting consideration for that month’s fees to be suspended. In all other cases, your commitment remains due to the program on an annual basis.

  • Competitive Uniforms

    All Titans competitive gymnasts are required to purchase and wear a team uniform normally consisting of an appropriate suit and tracksuit. Early in the training year Titans staff will contact you. Your child will be sized for the appropriate uniform.

  • Choreography / Floor Routines

    Floor routines for our competitive girls will be done at the discretion of the coaches. Floor routines are designed individually for each gymnast or group (pre-comp) and are usually used for two or three years. Some of the gymnasts utilize a routine previously designed for another gymnast. New routines and music selection for Provincial and National gymnasts will be determined by the coaches and may be taught outside of scheduled gym time.


  • Travel Policy – Away Meets

    Titans Gymnastics may attend a number of away meets during the course of a competitive season.  Titans Gymnastics only covers the travel, accommodation and meal expenses for coaches for the meet.  Individual club members are responsible for all their own travel, accommodation and meet fees.

    Itinerary and Reservations

    Parents are required to make their own travel and hotel arrangements for away-meets.  Note that it may not always be possible for all team members to be in the same hotel due to space limitations for more popular meets.  Therefore parents are strongly encouraged to reserve early.  An itinerary for the entire trip will be provided, including:

    • Travel Days
    • Practice Times
    • Competition Times
    • Arrival and Departure Time
    • Map and directions to destination

    Unaccompanied Travel

    If a parent is unable to accompany an athlete for any reason to an away meet, coaching staff and / or other parents may be available to accompany those athletes as long as prior arrangements have been made.  For local meets it is expected that parents will accompany their athlete.

    Atlantics, Easterns, Nationals, and Canada Games

    Athletes for these meets are part of a Nova Scotia delegation but will travel independently or as part of a Titans arranged team travel.  In a Titans team setting Titans arranges all travel and accommodations and directly charges each member a fee to cover the costs, otherwise Titans manages only the registration for the event.

  • Competitive Registration and Fees

    Staff will register athletes for appropriate classes, but registration forms must be completed and fee payment arrangements made prior to the commencement of the first term. The board sets the annual fees for the pre-competitive and competitive programs at the beginning of each season. Yearly fees include costs for training, meets, GNS registration and a pre-set amount of summer training.

    Fees may be paid in two ways:

    • One lump sum, which will receive a  5% discount for training fees
    • 11 monthly installments for total yearly fees due, beginning August – June

    Installment payments must be paid using one of the following methods:

    • Post-Dated Cheques dated on either the 1st or 20th of each month
    • Payment by pre-authorized debit on either the 1st or 20th of each month

    All Competitive Fee arrangements for the year must be on file with the office prior to the first training session in September. If one of the above payment methods is not on file at the start of September’s training, or your fees are not held current, your athlete’s training may be suspended.

    Any withdrawals after August 1st are non refundable. As this is a full year commitment in the event of a withdrawal from the competitive program after August 1st monthly  fees are still owed to the club and full year payments will not be refunded.

    All accounts must be up to date in order for athletes to be registered for competitions.

    Deferment of Fees
    Since Titans Gymnastics is a parent-run non-profit organization, it is not feasible for the club to support any individual member who is unable to pay training fees. However, the club acknowledges that there may be special circumstances that require consideration with regard to a deferment of fees. In such cases, the family may approach the Board of Directors to evaluate such a request.

    Where Do Your Fees Go?

    DID YOU KNOW? As a non-profit sports organization Titans relies on fundraising to ensure programs are available for all members. The fees you pay for programs cover coaching wages, facilities rent and building operating expenses.  In addition, we have more than $200,000 worth of equipment that requires regular maintenance and replacement due to the heavy use that it takes.  For this reason we, like most sport organizations, we continually fundraise to ensure we provide the best quality programs available.

    NSF Payments

    NSF Payments received by Titans Gymnastics will be subject to a $20.00 administrative fee. Replacement payment including the $20.00 administrative fee must be paid by e transfer, credit card or cash. Payment not received within 14 days will result in suspension from classes.

    Meet Entry Fees

    Entry fees for competitions are built into yearly fees, but are just an estimate based on the expected number of competitions. Any unused meet fees will be credited to your account in June or if there are any addition meet fees owed you will receive a invoice at the end of the competitive season.

    Pre-Competitive / Competitive Members

    The Competitive Fees you pay cover only a portion of the competitive coaching costs.  The balance of the Competitive Program costs and wages are subsidized from other program fees and fundraising. Titans relies heavily on competitive families to volunteer to help run our annual competitions, please endeavour to make time to volunteer at these events.

    Parents Guidelines

    The parents of a gymnast should always be supportive and positive to all athletes and coaches. The coaches’ role is to train and encourage athletes to reach their maximum potential. A parent’s role is to support this process by providing positive reinforcement.  Parental criticism regarding any element of their child’s performance or coaches approach creates a negative situation which is detrimental to the athlete’s future growth.  Parents should refrain from making technical comments or suggestions to their athlete; these could interfere with the coach’s progression sequence and confuse the gymnast.

    If the parents have concerns about the progress of their athlete or certain aspects of their training, they should make an appointment with the coach or parent liaison board member to discuss the matter.  All discussions regarding athlete progress should be done before or after a training session so as not to interfere with coaching responsibilities.  Parents should not contact coaches at home except in exceptional circumstances.


    Titans does not allow regular viewing during competitive training sessions.  We believe in an environment that will allow our athletes to be safe and progress under their coaches’ guidance and expertise.  Titans is open and aware that there may be special circumstances that warrant viewing on an occasional basis.  For occasional viewing please let your child’s personal coach know on the day of viewing (i.e. a grandparent or family member is visiting from out of town). Should viewing of your child’s competitive session be required on a regular basis please contact Head coach Susie Gallagher.

    Selected viewing weeks will be established to allow for viewing on average 3 times per year. We ask that a few simple rules be followed when viewing:

    • Please limit contact with your child during a training session, as it will distract from their training and the coaches ability to conduct a class.
    • No videotaping
    • If you wish to speak to a coach contact them either before or after a session and make an appointment.  They are responsible for a group of athletes and therefore need to concentrate on coaching and safety in the best interests of all.

    Should you have additional concerns please email or


    Disciplinary Action

    All members of Titans Gymnastics Club are expected to display appropriate behavior while attending classes in the gym. Please see Titans’ Dispute Resolution Policy for further details on the disciplinary process.

  • Competition Results

About Us

Titans Gymnastics and Trampoline Club is located at 40 Broom Rd in Dartmouth. In June 2010, we realized our dream of opening our own permanent facility. Our state-of-the-art club boasts 16,500 sq feet filled with all necessary equipment for Men’s and Women’s Artistic Gymnastics, as well as Trampoline and Tumbling.


40 Broom Rd
B2W 0J4

Telephone: (902) 466-5470
Fax: (902) 404-3664
